If I can do it, you can too!
I started from being homeless in 2002 and achieve Financial & Time freedom in 2020! 
2020 was the best year for me and I started my own Financial education Academy and launched 5 new online businesses which are now on auto pilot bringing passive income to my family.  
If I can do it for me then i can do it for you too! 

I am, the father of 4 children, 3 little girls and one boy who are my world and my sunshine in life. I am married to a beautiful caring and loving wife who is my strength and back bone in everything.  I was born in Iran, but since 2002 I lived in the united Kingdom, after falling in love with my wife on the net!!! What are the chances!! and still married and live together, strong as ever after many years of marriage life with 4 kids. 
My first born has Autism and Cerebral palsy (CP) which is a group of permanent movement disorders that appear in early childhood, but she is the reason why I am so caring, and on the mission to help millions and have a positive impact on their lives to live the life full of joy, love and success. 
Me and my wife as a young couple, had to go through a lot to diagnose their child and come to the terms of accepting the situation. 
I was very young, when I came to the United Kingdom, so I did my studies here from GCSEs And A Levels then to Degree in Business Management and then my MBA. It was not easy to do all that study while I was severely Dyslexic and continually being blocked by narrow minded people that labelled me all my life as slow, but luckily one person believed in me and did my test on the computer instead of paper. I passed my College entry test with flying colours after being rejected by most colleges in United Kingdom for not being able to write. They did not know I was dyslexic. Since then I never gave up because now I knew, I was not stupid, but I just had dyslexia would learn differently from others. 
I found out my learning style and since then I have been on fire, even after finishing University, I always put 30% of my time and earning on further education and self development. 
Just in the last 5 years, I have read 198 Books in the area of business, self development, property, stock market (wealth) and crypto. Up to now(2021), I have spent over £300,000 on my learnings and education, learning from the best experts in the field of self development and investment. I worked as an experience trainer and coach with my mentors to train their students after qualifying from their courses and now I have my own company. 
After I finished my MBA, the world was beautiful, because now I knew I was not slow or stupid and I found out 90% of the world leaders are dyslexic. I realised being dyslexic was an advantage in business and not a disability, because I can see the things others won't see. In University I continuously passed my personality test as a natural leader. 

I always have been a business owner and entrepreneur, with many success and failures while I was studying at the same time as a part time student with 4 kids.       
I studied all nights until mornings to show people I am not slow in learning. I had to show them that my way of learning was different. Since then I have helped many leaders in business and also stock market traders to find out their learning styles  to accelerate their learnings to help them learn faster and succeed at the highest level in life and business.       
I have been an entrepreneur all my life and started many businesses some ended up to be a success, such as a Food business and Driving School and some ended up going down which I took them as learning opportunity to learn from my failures. 
My attitude is a winner attitude and until I don't succeed in what I start, I will never give up. Me being dyslexic made me to be poor in my coordination and found it very difficult to learn to drive, but I was bullied by my driving instructor for being slow in learning. That made me to decide to be one of the best driving Instructor trainers and Diamond Examiners in the United Kingdom. I achieved every qualification available in the driving industry to become one of the highest qualified Driving Instructor trainers and Diamond Examiners in the country to just show myself it is possible to achieve, even if others are busy laughing at you.
I am not coming from a rich background. Most successful traders in the industry have grown up in rich families, where usually they would inherited some money to use in trading from their mom and dad and that would give them a jump start.

I had to start from 0. I was homeless with my wife at first in 2002, until I decided I had enough and I had to change my life. I started to learn and work hard to build my way up to the point where I am now. Being financially free means I can do what I like, and I love spending my time with my kids and watching them grow. I love helping charities too, specially the homeless charities.
Working in the driving industry and Education, and watching people perform under pressure helped me to understand human behaviour and psychology in action. I was able to see how someone makes decisions under pressure. That interest was pushed further and I spent a lot of time on becoming a Life coach. I studied my coaching under the coaching Guru of the market, Tony Robbins & Maddana to understand better how I could help people more, by using the interventional strategies. I wanted to be able to help people to 10X their inner potential by having a better mindset so I could help them to achieve exponentially in life and business. Learn about my life coaching & traders psychology coaching by clicking below. 
Now I have many online businesses which are on auto pilot and bringing me passive income and giving me the time freedom i always wanted. I used my university study to work in a business consulting field for few years while I was training to become a wealth coach with specialist knowledge of the financial market. Now I have many years of experience in Forex, Stock and Crypto market trading under my belt and I also received professional Forex and stock market investment trading training for many years from the best in the London exchange market to perfect my art of trading. 
Click below for my Trading Programmes. 
I helped many people to achieve their dream and you can see some of the testimonial on my home page or on my Facebook page. By 2009 I was very depressed and I had no hope of living, because of all the life pressures, such as work, having 4 kids, specially having a disabled child while I had to study all nights. I had to work long hours always and I never had enough time to do other things in life. I use to always be angry, stressed and depressed. I used to be on the look out always to find someone to blame for my failures in life. 
At that point I lost my faith completely and I use to challenge my creator to take me away so I could ask my questions about God or faith existence, and how unfair God has been to make my child disabled. It was  a dark moment in my life until I saw the light.   
The Accident and Death Experience To Change my Life 
This picture was taken in the morning of  the 10th April 2010. That was the morning of the accident but same as usual, I was angry and busy shouting at every one, while blaming everyone for my unhappy life, but I didn't know that would have been my last picture and that would have been the last time I was going to see my children and wife. I thought life was beyond infinity and would never finish, so I was wasting so much time on things which didn't matter in life, while I was ignoring the important things which I already had, but could not see.
Same as usual I got on the bike, few minutes after this picture, and got in to the high speed Dual carriageway. took only few minutes and I crashed and lost control, but before losing control, I was called out of my body to go and see my creator. I got my wish of going to my creator to question him about his unfairness and why always bad things happen to me. 
I did not feel any pain, and did not even have a scratch on my body in that accident, while my Powerful motor bike was completely damaged and was written off by my insurance. All my safety gears were melted to the point that tarmac of the road touched my last layer of protection. All my bank cards in my back pocket were melted. Only one Credit card was left between my skin and the road surface to save my skin. Yes, finally I was given the chance to ask my questions. 
To me, that was the power of God or Universe, to show me that if the creator wants to save you, He/she can save you by a thickness of a bank card in your pocket no matter how much safety gears you got on, while nothing else matters. Yes I think it was a show off from his power to wake me up from my deep sleep of denial. 
I called it the power of the universe for you, if you do not believe in God or if you are from a none faith background, as I am not here to change people faiths, as it make them to have more doubt in life, and that can cause uncertainty in their life. Causing uncertainty is against my mission of creating certainty, hope and assurance for others to live a better and happier life.  
Yes, I was out of my body for 17 minutes and my wish was granted to ask all my questions. While I was outside of my body, I asked all my questions and found all my WHY's in life..... I did not want to come back, but I was given a gift and a mission to help others to find a way to live a better life to their full potential. 
I was given a second chance, and now I knew what I wanted from my life. Since then, I live in the last hour of life, I live like this is my last hour with people, so I make it my mission to create good memories for others. I never have time to argue with anyone and I forgive people very quickly, because I do not have time for arguing. I only have time for love, and only can love others so then I can help them, to see the light to be able to live a joyful life.          
Since my accident, I just do whatever my hearts wants. I travelled a lot in poor countries to understand how poor people are happier, 3 days a week I volunteered for homeless charities and many other charities such as helping disabled young Children to make better decisions or see life in a different way. Helping more unfortunate than me helped me to understand my experience of meeting my creator better and finally after 15 years of working on myself, I found inner peace. I transformed my life completely and now on the mission to help and educate others.
I learnt a lot about myself in my travels around different countries, and found out, I was a slave to money and my only assessment in life was money. 
That is why I did not have a balanced life before and I wasn't living a happy life. I was chasing wealth and wealth was running away from me, which was causing me to have depression. 
I was working for money, instead of making money work for me. I went on a journey of learning the art of working Smart, by learning the art of investing and Time management. I wanted to use my time efficiently and create more time for myself. 
I learnt how to work to live and not live to work.  So then I could keep my life in balance and be able to appreciate life more and enjoy every moments I get. I learnt to remember, I might not get a second chance again. Studying under my mentor the Guro of self development and personal achievement Tony Robbins, helped me to connect the dots and understand life better and now on the mission to help others....    
I had to learn how to use my time better and why others were more successful than me
I started to research and study many successful people to see what they do. I studied 50 successful entrepreneur such as Richard Branson. I even paid £25,000 GBP for a week retreat to go and live with an American self made millionaire, J Butcher, to learn life planning. I wanted to find out about his secret to success and how he was managing millions of dollars of businesses and companies, but still had so much free time to live a happy life. 
The top secret and the common thing i found between all those successful people was just one thing. what I found to be their secret was their Life Plan and goals. Every single one of them had written Goals, but I didn't. 
So I was ready to create a written life plan for myself, with the help of J Butcher, the self made millionaire. I even used my RMP programme learnings with Tony Robbins & Meddana organisation to make the life plan even a better plan.  
All that research and experiences helped me to write my own life book plan in details, (178 pages) to know where I wanted to go for the next 10 years, so then I could use my time efficiently. 
Now also, I teach others how to write their own life book plan, so they can create a road map for their lives, so they can live a more efficient life. In that way, they can save more time to do what they love and create the masterpiece out of the life, the way they desire it to be. 
A life without a road map is meaningless, so my first step is to teach people how to create a road map in 12 categories of life so they can live a happier and balanced life. I help people to set massive goals for different things at different stages of their life and then I help them to create a road map, solution and plan to achieve it. 
Click below to learn more about my life book programme and get access to it in FGC club. in FGC club you get access to the recordings of all my teachings in life planning and also the financial market.
Join FGC club today at £6.68 GBP per month and help me raise money to help homeless people, because all the profits goes to homeless charities.   
I have 4 children which after completing the life book program for each one, as a family we decided state school will not help the children achieve what they want in their life. So as parents we took our children out of school and I home educated all of my children, putting them in the right programmes to guarantee their success.    
 My son aged 13 was mentioned in Grant Cardon Super millionaire property seminar in front of 1400 millionaires and successful people in London as a success case study.
Kian, my son age 13 after leaving school, and being coached by me has achieved amazing results, and earned $13,000 Dollar in only 2 days from affiliate marketing. Of course before that 2 days, Kian and me had to work hard on Kian life plan and goals. 
Now Kian age 15 has his own internet marketing education and coaching business for children and adults. He is helping them to achieve the same result. Here is the video which went viral on the net, captured by my friend attending the seminar on 8 of June 2019 :    
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